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SEND Policies & Information

At Wootton Academy Trust we are committed to the principle that every child has individual needs, has an entitlement to access the full curriculum offer and be fully included in all aspects of the life of the school. The SEND team will work with the whole learning community to identify and address the needs of learners to ensure every child or young person is able to exceed their potential, helping to address any needs or disabilities that they have. We believe strongly that the child should be at the centre of all that we do and all staff at Wootton Academy Trust will work together to support and challenge appropriately in line with each individual’s needs. We seek the support of outside agencies whenever necessary and recognise the importance of closely working with parents and carers in planning effective provision for young people. We work with the whole learning community to set aspirational outcomes for students with SEND and ensure that every child, no matter what barriers lie in their way, is able to achieve highly and be promised a successful and happy journey into adulthood.


Mrs C Guiney


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