The Careers Programme
Our careers framework is linked to the Gatsby Benchmarks, CDI and PSHE frameworks. All students from Year 9 through to Year 13 are exposed to the many aspects of careers work undertaken here at Wootton Academy Trust and includes a Year 9-13 tutor programme as well as assemblies which include aspects of careers, enterprise and employability, national awareness days and themed weeks including national careers and apprenticeships week.
We also work with South East Midlands LEP (Local Enterprise Partnership) to help deliver a vast range of exciting activities during the school year, which inspires students, develops their core competencies and give our students a great exposure to the world of work. The activities range from employer talks, careers fairs, college and university visits, motivational speakers plus much more. The careers programme can be seen by visiting the following links:
Alongside the careers education programme set out in the above pages, students are also exposed to careers learning through their subject curriculum.
Each year the activities can vary depending on new schemes and initiatives which are introduced.
Wootton Academy Trust measures and assesses the impact of its careers programme through student surveys and focus groups, using destination data and by using the COMPASS tool each term to reflect on progress towards the Gatsby benchmarks. We provide parents opportunity to feedback on the programme and obtain employer feedback after all employer engagement activities. We also work closely with our SEMLEP adviser to gauge the strengths of the careers programme against other schools in the borough and beyond.