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School Governance

Wootton Academy Trust [WAT] has two-member schools – Wootton Upper School and Kimberley College.

Wootton Academy Trust’s board of directors are the responsible body. The Trust has three strategic responsibilities – overall standards, strategy and financial management. The board has established a Finance Committee which includes the chairs of both LGBs which deals with staff matters such as remuneration. The Trust board also has a Curriculum and Standards Committee.


Wootton Upper School and Kimberley College both have a Local Governing Board (LGB) to ensure a clear focus for that institution. The LGBs are committees of the board.


Our LGBs include appointed governors, including a small number of trustees and other specialists appointed due to their skill and expertise. Additionally, each LGB has parent governors - elected from within the parent body - and two staff governors. The Principal is an ex officio governor and the Vice Principal(s] Associate Member(s).


Each LGB meets once per half term and focuses on areas such as pastoral and pupil behaviour; SEND; curriculum standards; safeguarding, disadvantaged pupils [including Pupil Premium], Health and Safety.

Clerking for the WAT board and each of its committees is provided by Bedford Borough Council.


If you would like more information or, if you are interested in joining one of our LGBs and have a skill which you believe is useful to the WAT board, please contact the Executive Principal’s Executive Assistant.

Each LGB chair is appointed by the Board – as per the Scheme of Delegation.


Wootton Upper School’s LGB chair is Judy Chandler whilst the chair of Kimberley College LGB is Bob Bunting..


The Director with responsibility for safeguarding children is David Clare. [From April 1 this will be Sally Knight].


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